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U13 Falcons Get Essex Nod

U13 Falcons Get Essex Nod

David Pike10 Feb - 14:55
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High Flying Falcons Reach Their First target of 2024

Well done to Aradhya & Zayn H, 2 of our u13 Falcons & Rollins Cricket Academy students who have been selected for the Essex u13 squad for the ‘24 season.

Both accumulated lots of Summer Runs in ‘23, but their continued progress through drilling, netting and mentoring from Coach Rob has seen them achieve their first target of the year.

With a good understanding of what’s required to improve and progress for ‘24, they both know this is only a starting point.

Looking forward to seeing how they both progress throughout the summer, both for Club & County.

Well Done Falcons, keep up the hard work!

Further reading